Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Nutritious is the new Comfort

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Control is an illusion

- love - yep, got it, I love people so much
- joy - roger that, I am pretty joyful
- peace - well, I struggle, but if I press in to Jesus I have it
- patience - hmmm sometimes I think I have this
- kindness - I love being kind to others
- goodness - check, I strive to choose good things in life
- gentleness - I'm a gentle person! (to others)
- faithfulness - I love Jesus and choose to follow him
- self-control - {crickets chirping in background}
Self-control. Yeah, that's the one I'd think "Well, if that just wasn't on the list I'd be doing really well!". After all I have done a pretty good job on all the others - 8 out of 9 is good, right? Self-control eluded me. In fact there were times it didn't make sense that it was in that list. All the others seemed so logical to me as I followed Jesus, but self-control... really?
And then the guilt would set in. I would be out of control with eating time and time again. Each time I would think "I just stink at self-control, what's the use of even trying". It became a vicious cycle of over-eating, deep guilt, eating some more to assuage the guilt, and then feeling more guilty. Oh sure, I knew that if I live in Christ I should feel no guilt! Oh sure, I would "lay it at his feet" over and over again.... only to pick it back up. I had convinced myself that I would never have self-control.
On the course of this journey, however, the Lord has revealed to me so much more about the scripture from Galatians. Here it is again:
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control". ~Galatians 5:22
Once I made the choice to SURRENDER back in August, the Lord has brought this scripture to me over and over. And on one of those times I had an "AHA!" moment - one of those times when something you've heard a million times suddenly takes on new meaning. Are you ready for this? Really, ready?
IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!!!!! I know, shocking! I think when I finally got that this scripture was NOT ABOUT me, Jesus God and the Holy Spirit high-fived each other! SHE CAN BE TAUGHT!
Here's the deal. It says "fruit of the Spirit". Not "fruit of Ann taking control of her life and then having these things". Fruit of the Spirit. The HOLY Spirit! NOT ME! What does this mean - to finally see this God's way? It means self-control isn't control created by me for me and under my own "self" power. It means power given to my BY the Holy Spirit - WHEN I SURRENDER - that causes me to control myself. Not under my own volition - not because I try harder - not because "I think I can", not because I really want to, not because of anything but GOD.
And, after I had pondered this for a bit - in quite a bit of shock that it took me so long to "get it" - I realized that my mental inventory of the other 8 fruits of the Spirit was way off, too! I knew I needed to take a new look at the entire verse - not as things that I do, or things that I strive for, but fruits of my Surrender to the Lord.
LOVE: here I was thinking "yeah, I got this one down - I love people". But guess what? As I said in a previous post - I didn't love myself. I wasn't allowing the Spirit to give me this fruit because of self-disgust over my weight. Now in surrender I am able to love others and myself. I think this is more what God has in mind.
JOY: I expressed joy to others, but because of depression I did not live in joy. What a dichotomy! As the fog of depression lifts, I am finding joy in loving the Lord - not for the sake of anything other than pure love for him and his restoration power.
PEACE: As long as I felt "out of control" or unworthy of love, I had no peace. I felt peaceful in certain situations, and lived as a peace-keeper, but I did not know the peace that passses understanding when it came to my life. I'm starting to feel that peace that comes as a fruit of the Spirit. A calmness in the depths of my sould that I can't explain - other than it started when I surrendered.
PATIENCE: My old mantra: "I want to give up overeating RIGHT NOW" - and the minute I ate something that caused guilt - I considered myself a failure. My new mantra: "One day at a Time, surrendered to God". I don't know what tomorrow brings, but I know that in this moment I am patient in knowing that God knows.
KINDNESS: Again, kind to others, but cruel to myself. I'm learning to love me and I'm finding myself being so much more kind to myself. That self-critical "voice" seems to be muted. And when it pops up I'm able to turn to the truths of God and it is muted again.
GOODNESS: Followed the Spirit's leading on removing things from my life not pleasing to God... EXCEPT overeating and abusing my body with food. God doesn't stop working on us - we are continually being refined. Partial obedience is disobedience in God's eye's - I was fooling myself to think he would overlook an area of something not pleasing to him.
GENTLENESS: I have been told I have such a gentle nature. Sure, that was true, except for my own self-talk. I was brutal to myself.
FAITHFULNESS: Oh I *thought* I was exhibiting faithfulness. But God revealed to me that I was turning from my faith in not surrendering an area of my life that kept me from him. It is my faith that brought me to the truth, that led me to reveal my weakeness publicly. In my weakness, he is strong and to him be the glory!
SELF-CONTROL: I like to think of it as "Spirit-Control". One day at a time, friends, one day at a time.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Instrument Rating
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Number update

Friday, September 18, 2009
That FULL feeling
Whatever the cause, I'm amazed by it. I've never experienced a sense of fullness while still eating. My entire life I can only remember eating until all food gone and then moments later feeling overfull.
Then I started pondering the idea of "fullness" in relation to my life in Christ. I've chosen to surrender this to God, I've chosen to ask for his guidance on this journey, and I've chosen to give him all the Glory. Is it possible that this full feeling is a spiritual thing? Is it possible that I've worked to be closer to God, and in becoming closer I am more aware of signals my body gives me because I'm filling myself with him instead of food? Could it be?
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. ~Ephesians 3:17-19
I see it in this scripture. I surrendered to Christ. In doing so, I better grasp his love for me. Understanding his love for me, helps me to love myself (my body). Loving my body (even though my head knowledge tells me otherwise) leads me to be filled with the fullness of God!
And when I'm full of God, I lose the desire to fill myself with food.
Thank you, Lord!! Praise you!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Unexpected triggers
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Not under the tyranny of food
I'm praying daily - sometimes numerous times each day - for God to help me love my body, to guide me closer to him, and to help me surrender it all to him. Inititally what I began to see was all directly related to food/eating and my desire for increased activity.
Now, however, I'm starting to see a wonderful side-effect! When I surrender and food loses its power over me, other areas of my life seem easier and more real and more enjoyable. I realized this today when I decided to start tidying up the house. Normally I would quickly tire (physically) and get discouraged with "so much to do". Today it was so different - I did not feel overwhelmed by what needed to be done, I didn't get tired physically, and I felt no discouragement whatsoever! AND I had no desire to overeat or to mindlessly eat - I stayed on track food wise the entire day (normally housework leads me to "graze" continually).
I love this feeling of victory and the surprise added benefits. Isn't that just like God? Giving us far more than we ask when we pray. I am in awe of him. And I give him all the glory for everything happening to me!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Challenges, challenges....
I stayed on track and didn't go overboard at all - even when faced with the yummy pumpkin bars Meg and Dave made on Saturday evening. They were "healthy" in that they were made to be low fat, etc, however I could have easily eaten 4 or 5 of them in the old days (you know, 3 weeks ago). I allowed myself to have one small piece the night they made them, one on Sunday and one this morning with my breakfast (we had a healthy breakfast buffet for our guests). Oh, it could have been way worse, they were so yummy, but I asked for the strength to eat them in moderation. A victory for sure!
Another of my challenges is B.R.E.A.D. Yikes I love the stuff! And there seemed to be a lot of it around - we had some, then our guests brought some - it was everywhere. I know this is one of my addictions in food, so I focused a lot on alternatives and cutting back from my usual intake. I think I did really well. When we had pulled pork sandwiches I only had half of a bun, and when we had garlic bread I only had 2 small slices. For me that isn't just victory, its a miracle! Take that food - you don't have the same hold on me anymore!!
Got the old bod moving each day, too. We walk a lot when we are there - on beaches and trails - but often it is very casual, easy walking. I made sure to speed things up here and there to get my heart rate up more than usual. (Hopefully that helps to burn off those pumpkin bars!!)
We shall see what the scale says tomorrow. Things were moving in a good direction last time I stepped on. I'm praying my hard work is really starting show in the numbers game.
Friday, September 4, 2009
An amazing thing happens when you shift your paradigm

I've been praying a prayer continually "Lord help me to love my body as you do". It is amazing how this has changed my life! I still don't have control - not over food, not over my body, heck, not even over my life! Yet, because I am choosing to see through God's eyes - through His perspective - I no longer even WANT to put something in my body that would cause it harm. Over the weeks I've noticed that my appetite no longer controls me. I've noticed that I don't crave junk food. I've noticed that when faced with "what can I eat?" it is because I am truly hungry AND my choices are always healthy ones (fresh fruit, veggies for snacks). And on occasion, when something has "sounded good" - I am able to evaluate that choice based on whether it would nourish my body or not (and more often than not I chooose something else).