Well, when I was struggling recently, God brought the book to my attention. I was pondering my next step in this journey, looked down and there before me was "The Prayer Diet".
That's the way God works. Truly it was his doing to place this book in my hands at the right time, and then in my line of sight at an even better time. I picked it up and have been slowly reading it over the last week.
One of the first things that hit me to the core was the author talking of a paradigm shift of seeing excess weight not as a problem, but as a blessing. To ask God to teach me to love my body, not hate "being fat". At first I thought, "how can I see this as a blessing after years of being frustrated and hating being overweight?". But I tried. And read some more and tried some more. The author talked of how we learn best during trials and upon hindsight we often see such trials as blessings. He offers that we can look at this trial (of being overweight) as a blessing because it will bring us closer and closer to God. Exactly what I have been praying about in taking this journey!!
So with that, I offer what I believe is a wonderful "before" photo. At first glance I wanted to hate the image I see, but in shifting my thinking to God's way of thinking - I now see the opportunity to come closer to God because of the blessing of being overweight.
I'm reading now about using daily prayer as a guide toward becoming healthier through weight loss. More later.
Keep it up! God never leads us astray!